The Crumlin Navigation
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The Crumlin Navigation
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ARC are the dedicated contractors working on the site under a licence from South Wales Building Preservation Trust, the owners of the site. Friends of the Navigation work closely with both organisations providing, where possible, monetary and physical support from our volunteers for various projects.

With students and youngsters from the Pupil Referral Unit, with whom ARC work on a regular basis, on annual summer leave activities on the site were somewhat curtailed. It is probably fortunate that this coincided with the heatwave in 2022 as it would have made working on the site quite intolerable.

Work has been started on clearing the vegetation which seems to increase year on year and is in itself a major task keeping nature at bay.

groundwork                                      Unearthed "track"

Clearance work on the upper level, especially between both winding houses, continued in September 2022

Whilst clearing the ground adjacent to the “pay office” a section of trackwork was unearthed. This is not to the standard 4' 8½" railway gauge but narrower and was obviously for hauling drams. The concrete infill helped either horses or men to pull or push the drams along.
The Crumlin Navigation
This website was last updated on the 8th September 2024
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