The Crumlin Navigation
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The Crumlin Navigation
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It is not the purpose of this website to explore the history of the Navigation Colliery or Welsh coal mines in general. However the article below has been provided by Mr Nigel Bowen-Morris, South Wales Building Preservation Trust, and gives a brief overview of the colliery development since construction.
Regrettably we are generally unable to answer any queries regarding family history or provide any  information regarding men who worked in the mine.
However we do have some very limited information and digitised copies of some record books kindly supplied by Mr G.Musto who worked in the offices at the colliery. The information is limited and mainly is a name and address index with dates of starting and finishing in the mine. We will be happy to search these books if there is a confirmed family interest.
The internet has many relevant websites relating to Welsh family history and to the history of coal mines.  
The following is a link to an excellent website “Welsh Coal Mines” where further details of “The Navigation” can be found:
view of viaduct
The picture above shows the Crumlin Viaduct with the Navigation Colliery in the background
(Click on the picture to enlarge)
We  are always looking for anyone who worked at the Navigation Colliery when  it was in full production or indeed anyone who was involved in the  closure and dismantling of the site. It would help us greatly if you  could walk around the site with one of our volunteers and point out  places or areas that may have been filled in, buildings demolished etc.
We are also looking for any historical pictures from when the colliery was active, either exterior views or photographs within any of the buildings.
Details can be supplied via the "Contacts" page.

The following thumbnails can be enlarged and show two parts of the Colliery, then and now
The Crumlin Navigation
This website was last updated on the 29th September 2024
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